
Hey Everyone,


Here is a small patch that fixes some issues in today's 0.61 release

If you are running a dedicated server, you will need to restart your server with the latest version to be compatible with this patch release.


  • Fixed issue with regrowing trees in MP games causes them in some saves to not be cuttable on load
  • Fixed issue with foundation ghosts not working correctly for clients
  • Fixed some issues with storage and water holders for clients in some saves
  • Fixed a bunch of MP related issue due to a bug with itemID numbers that broke in the 0.61 patch release


As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub


Trailer 2

Hey everyone,

Here it is, the second trailer. Showing life in the forest a few weeks after the initial plane crash.



Happy Halloween

We have a bunch of cool new stuff to show, check back next week for a  new trailer.

Trailer release

Welcome to the development blog for The Forest.

The Forest is an independent game currently in development for PC and Oculus Rift.

Check back at this blog often for new screenshots, videos and updates.